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Businesses Invited to Explore Workforce Solutions at National Apprenticeship Day Lunch, Learn, and Launch Workshop

NORTHWEST LOWER, MI—Northwest Michigan Works!, a program of Networks Northwest, is hosting a free registered apprenticeship Lunch, Learn and Launch workshop Wednesday, April 30, 2025 at Northwest Michigan Works! in Traverse City.  Businesses and organizations from across northwest Lower Michigan could use this opportunity to network, learn about strategies to address workforce shortages, and the benefits of using an apprenticeship program.  This exciting information session will take place from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, and employers from across the region are strongly encouraged to join us for this valuable opportunity!

This session will include an overview of what US Department of Labor registered apprenticeships are, the beginner's guide of developing or growing a program, and how to use apprenticeships to fill workforce gaps.  A wide range of occupations will be explored, covering both traditional and non-traditional industries.  An expert panel of employers and apprentices will offer valuable business-to-business insights on registered apprenticeships, along with practical tips for creating, registering, and managing a program.  Following the event, A Race to Talent Champion employer recognition will be celebrated.

“This is the perfect opportunity for employers to explore the benefits of registered apprenticeship for recruitment, training and retention of highly skilled workers,” said Evelyn Szpliet, Regional Director of Apprenticeship Services for Northwest Michigan Works!. “We will discuss the ease of launching a program, financial resources and the wrap around services offered through Northwest Michigan Works!. Now is the time for employers to consider registered apprenticeship as their workforce development solution.”

The Northwest Michigan Works! Apprenticeship team will be available to discuss requirements, next steps and begin the employer registration process. 

RSVPs are required, seating will be limited. To register for the luncheon please send an email to and a link to reserve your seat will be provided.